Re: Free will and its contradiction in religion.

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 10, 1997 at 10:37:10:

In Reply to: Re: Free will and its contradiction in religion. posted by David on January 10, 1997 at 06:52:37:

: Just because somebody is being influenced doesn't mean that they have not got free will. Look at elections, most people would say you have the choice to vote for who you want. The fact that you decide to vote one way doesn't mean that you haven't got free will. Similarly in religious eyes you can vote for God or the devil. If you are seduced by the offerings of the devil it doesn't mean that you didn't have free will in the first place.

Just because I chose not to be a Christian doesn't mean that I chose to be a devil worshipper. I chose neither. Unlike an election religion doesn't give one another choice in four years. One has true free will in an election. One can vote or not without any real consequences to one's self. Your example is apples and oranges as in they don't really compare.

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